Stronger Health Coaching Principles

Stronger Health Coaching (SHC) is a principled philosophy to building a healthy lifestyle. First, health coaching as a whole promises a new perspective by blending multiple disciplines into an evidence-based aid to overcome the health struggles of modern life. SHC has prioritized this perspective into 5 categories of daily life crucial to health -- Sleep, Nutrition, Stress Management, Movement, and Lifestyle. Application of priorities is guided by the SHC Principles:

SHC Principles

#1 Define and Quantify
I firmly believe that all information should be explained as specifically as possible. That means each detail can be clearly communicated and justified. When this can't be applied, it will be noted. This allows us to measure progress, plan goals, etc. with objective data and subjective feedback. This principle provides context.

Review the Glossary page at any time. I've provided a singular, clear definition of each variable within the context of health based on (a) available medical terminology, (b) personal interpretation of experts when medical literature is absent, and (c) contrasting examples when necessary. When we use a term, it will only carry one specific meaning here; and hyperbole is never welcome.

#2 Education via Diversified Expert Sources
First, education standardizes our communication, offering clarity and context to our definitions. Second, education avoids "do as I say" and "because I said so" commands. Lastly, in order to learn, we seek the experts in specific fields based on formal education, results in the field, and personal growth. However, every expert is expressing their opinions in the end. So we look further, seeking sources with different perspectives, expanding the dimensions of a larger picture. Eventually, we find a pattern and ask, "Where do they all agree?" This principle provides rationality.

Review the Sources page anytime. Explore free content offered by these experts. This is a coaching service, not information sales. Compare, contrast, and heed what they consider most important. Did you you find a conflict between my perspective and one of the experts? Let me know. Either I've been convinced by other evidence or I missed something. Worst case scenario, one of us learns something. Best case, we both learn. Furthermore my role is to inform you of your options and their consequences, not to make decisions for you.

#3 Progression, Consistency, Sustainability, Flexibility
If you aren't making progress... then what're ya doin'? First, we need to be making progress. Second, consistency is the primary driver of progress. Keep going; trust the process. Third, our plan needs to be sustainable. If we can't stay on track, we've planned for failure. Lastly, we must be flexible enough to adapt to the unknown demands of life. Conversely, although we must be leery of regression, an inevitable part of the process will require taking a couple steps back to make a giant leap forward. This principle provides adherence.

Progress will be outlined throughout your journey. Includes: typical learning curves, expected ranges of goals, short term vs long term changes, the big picture and details, context, etc. Progress is infinite; we'll take advantage. And eventually, progress itself becomes the goal.

#4 Everything's on a Spectrum
As we approach everything along our journey, we're fundamentally stuck with averages for starting points. On average, you're average; but no one is average for everything. We'll quickly need to decipher your personal strengths, weaknesses, and every detail that makes you different or average. Additionally, we need to consider that all variables lie on spectrums, such as too much vs too little, perfection vs reality, variation vs specificity. It's all a gray area that also changes as you go. Similarly, we'll avoid what I call "moral modifiers," which are really nothing more than buzzwords and marketing schemes -- clean eating, functional training, protein packed, damaged metabolism, real food. This principle provides structure.

I'll be compiling all the objective and subjective data necessary for your personal growth. We'll use averages to fill in the gaps and adjust accordingly. You will always receive an honest, detailed review. No extremes, no predictions, no expectations of perfection, no scare tactics, no hyperbolized marketing; but neither will I ever just tell you what you want to hear.

#5 Long-Term Health Strategies
Health is lifelong. Detoxes, 30 day fixes, 8 week fat burn, etc. are shortcuts sold to "boost your health." But what happens after your 90-day workout or FitDrank runs out? Nothing, they END; and you've got the rest of your life ahead. There is nothing you can do for a few days now that will transfer health benefits 20, 10, or even 1 year into the future. Those trends with numbered days/weeks are officially labeled unsustainable. However, this is not to say that short-term goals are not important. Short-term goals are stepping stones along the progression of long-term health. The final stage, after learning the process, is to progress to doing this on your own. This principle provides success.

My objective is to identify your best course of action for long-term health and explore alternative possibilities. This includes immediate, short-term, and long-term goals. As you experience your personal journey, you will learn general health strategies, remain aware of your current and future health, and maintain a comfortable, stress-free outlook.